–Please find below the lecture given in The Gambia on December 27th, 2008 by Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah, Chairman of the Board & Scholar-in-Residence at the Nawawi Foundation.
The title is “Reflections on Surat Al-Quraysh – Loving the Companions and the House of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Sunnah of Bringing Muslim Hearts Together”.
>>Listen to and/or download the lecture (edited to include only original English with Arabic translation, both by Dr. Umar); MP3 file, 32 kbps bitrate, 1 hour and 20 minutes duration, 18.4 MB file size:
Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah - Reflections on Surat Al-Quraysh - Loving the Companions and the House of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Sunnah of Bringing Muslim Hearts Together EDITED>>Listen to and/or download the lecture (unedited; includes original English with Arabic, Mandinka and Wolof translations); MP3 file, 32 kbps bitrate, 2 hours and 22 minutes duration, 32.6 MB file size:
Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah - Reflections on Surat Al-Quraysh - Loving the Companions and the House of the Prophet (PBUH) and the Sunnah of Bringing Muslim Hearts Together UNEDITED