6th Annual Conference (2014) Videos

–Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah (USA), expounds on the theme of our conference: “Muslim Unity Through the Prophetic Path of Service and Love”. *Edited to include only the original English with Arabic translation.

To download the text (in PDF format) of the speech, please click here:


Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah (USA) was interviewed for Gambian national television ahead of the 6th Annual QARS Conference. He invited viewers to our conference and highlighted the theme of his talk there: Muslim Unity through the Prophetic Path of Service and Love.


–Imam Tahir U. Abdullah (Assistant Director of Spiritual Life / Advisor for Muslim Affairs at the University of Chicago) shares some thoughts about his trip to The Gambia.


–Sidi Jamal Abdul Malik movingly reflects upon coming home to The Gambia.


–Dr. Bilal Abdul-Alim shares some wisdom and a classic nasheed.